Monday, 20 October 2008

The Finished Flat?

So now all that is left is the kitchen and bathroom.

Saturday, 13 September 2008

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Last Week?

Stuart is saying that it should all be finished by Friday - here's hoping. It's all happening it is! it is!

Saturday, 30 August 2008

The Cupboards are going in - they are!

Each day gets more and more exciting - as Stuart is finishing more and more detail. The Wardrobes proved to be a challenge and he has successfully come up with solutions. The final shot is of my bathroom which is being used as the storage centre for everything!! Oh next weekend is not going to be fun when i can put everything back. ARRRRGH

Sunday, 24 August 2008

With 1 week to go...

Ezio, having spoken to Stuart, believes that there is going to be more
work than just 1 week to go on the Garden Flat - it is sad for me but
in the long run, I can see that the work will be beautiful and worth
the extra wait. I am hoping that there will just be one more 1 week to
go after I return to London, next Thursday. Here's hoping.
The plum tree has been very carefully looked after by Ezio and he has
been rewarded with the fruits of his labour - it looks like it is time
to make plum jam. YUM!!

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Camera, Lights, Wall - It's all ACTION

It's getting so exciting - Stu has 13 more days to go. Can he do it??

Friday, 8 August 2008

Cupboard Design

This is what I have designed for my wardrobe/storage cupboard, I hope Stuey can put it all into place. The works are looking great so far. It's fun being in another country and seeing the progress every couple of days through the wonderful photography of the ever so gorgeous, Ezio.

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Walls, Doors n Delores

Stu's been busy and Ezio has been champion project manager and chief photographer.