Monday 3 December 2007

Mortgage Madness - E-mail Enlightens

After receiving an email from the assistant of the mortgage broker informing me of a delay in processing the loan applications, i was more than pleasantly surprised when Tony, Mr. Mortgage Broker 2007, wrote to me to inform me that I was now the proud owner of a mortgage. I am but very happy and overjoyed.

I am pleased to confirm that your mortgage offer was issued today.
I have attached a copy for your information - you will receive an
original copy in the post.
A copy will also be forwarded to your solicitor.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything further.



It's still a waiting game as we all have to wait for the vendors to settle on their new place in order for me to then move in and do the little updates that I am wanting to do in the first instance. It's all good fun, this waiting game ... I just be patient and wait to see what happens ... the longer it takes, the money, I hope I will have to to more of the 'updates' that I want to do.


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